Node Connectivity

There are 2898 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Table.

DB Row Manipulator Streamable

This node runs SQL commands in the connected database restricted by the possible values given by the input KNIME data table.

DB Update Streamable

Updates rows in the database based on the values of the selected columns from the KNIME input table.

DB Writer Streamable

Inserts the selected rows in the database based on the selected columns from the input table. Creates a new table if the table does not exist.

Parameterized DB Query Reader Streamable

This node runs SQL queries in the connected database restricted by the possible values given by the input KNIME data table.

DB Table Creator Deprecated

This node allows a user to create a new database table either manually or based on the data table specification of a KNIME input data table.

Assign Partition 

Assigns objects to the given partition of the given type.

Feature Inserter 

Inserts features from a data table into the network.

Multi Feature Inserter 

Inserts features from a data table into the network.

Object Inserter 

Inserts nodes and edges from a data table into the network.

Distance Matrix to Network 

Converts a distance matrix into a network.