Node Connectivity

There are 36 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type Elasticsearch Connection (ES 6).

NoOp (Generic Port) 

A “no operation” node.

Elasticsearch Search (ES 6) 

Creates a new Elasticsearch Search to be configured and executed by downstream nodes.

Elasticsearch Reader (ES 6) 

Executes a query and fetches resulting data from Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch Writer (ES 6) 

Writes data to Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch Console (ES 6) 

Performs a low-level request against Elasticsearch.

Ligand-Set Splitter 

Splits a ligand-set into its components

LSD Writer 

Writer for LigandScout LSD-Files

Model Writer Deprecated

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model Writer 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model to Binary Object 

Converts a model to a binary object cell.