
Market Simulation

Market Simulation Nodes

This category contains 26 nodes.

Edit Attributes 

The Edit Attributes node is a simple modifier of the Product Attributes found in the Input Product Array.

Feature Table To List 

The Feature Table To List node rotates a wide table of Product Features into an equivalent long list of Product Features.

Geographic Feature 

The Geographic Feature node calculates the 'Lost Value' of each Product due to shipping cost and delay from the perspective of each Virtual Customer.

Geographic Shredder 

The Geographic Shredder node removes values from the Willingness To Pay (WTP) Matrix when Products are not available at the Geographic Location of the Customer.

Matrix Distributions 

The Matrix Distributions node converts an Attribute List and Correlation Matrix into a set of correlated Customer Distributions.

Price Maximize 

The Price Maximize node changes the Price of a set of Focus Products to Maximize Profit, Revenue, or Quantity Sold across the broader set of 'In Scope' […]

Price Sensitivity 

The Price Sensitivity node measures the sensitivity of every Product in the Market to a change in Price by every other Product in the Market.

Price War 

The Price War node sets Maximizing Prices for each Competitor's Products then dynamically reacts to the Price adjustments of the other Competitors.

Product Generator 

The Product Generator node aggregates a list of Features and part-worth Customer Distributions into Products and a Willingness To Pay (WTP) Matrix.

Profit Engine 

The Profit Engine node calculates the Product purchased by each Customer and the Product's Demand Curve based upon the input Willingness To Pay (WTP) […]