

This category contains 8 nodes.

Chemistry External Tool 

This node allows users to run a user-specified external program that inputs up to 3 columns and outputs 3 columns. Please note that all the input ports […]

Python Script 0:1 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking no input tables and returning 1 output table.

Python Script 1:0 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking 1 input table and returning no output tables.

Python Script 1:1 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking 1 input table and returning 1 output table.

Python Script 1:2 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking 1 input table and returning 2 output tables.

Python Script 2:1 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking 2 input tables and returning 1 output table.

Python Script 2:2 

Executes a Python script which has access to all Schrodinger python libraries, taking 2 input tables and returning 2 output tables.

Run Maestro Command 

This node runs Maestro command(s) by running Maestro, executing a script and writing its output.