

This category contains 13 nodes.

CSV Writer (Labs) Streamable

Writes a data table into a CSV file.

DL4J Model Writer (Labs) 

Writes Deep Learning model port objects to a file.

H2O MOJO Writer (Labs) 

Writes out MOJOs.

Image Writer (Port) (Labs) 

Writes a image port object to a file.

Model Writer (Labs) 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Network Writer (Labs) 

Writes the given network to a file.

PMML Writer (Labs) 

Writes a PMML model into a PMML compliant file.

R Model Writer (Labs) 

Writes an R model to a (zip) file.

Table to HTML (Labs) 

Generates HTML reports out of input data by using the Birt reporting engine.

Table to PDF (Labs) 

Generates PDF reports out of input data by using the Birt reporting engine.