
Redfield NLP Nodes

This category contains 14 nodes.

Spacy Lemmatizer 

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Lemmatizer Deprecated

The node converts all tokens to their root form (lemma), removing cases, plurals, conjugations, etc.

Spacy Model Selector 

The node allows to select and load a spaCy model.

Spacy Morphologizer 

The node performs morphology analysis of the text and assigns the tags for singular/plural, gender, case, conjugation, animacy, etc. for the tokens.

Spacy Morphologizer Deprecated

The node performs morphology analysis of the text and assigns the tags for singular/plural, gender, case, conjugation, animacy, etc. for the tokens.

Spacy NER 

The node assigns named entity tags to the words of the document.

Spacy NER Deprecated

The node assigns recognized named entities in the document. Generalized spaCy NE tag set is used.

Spacy POS Tagger 

The node assigns part of speech to each token of the document.

Spacy POS Tagger Deprecated

The node assigns part of speech to each token of the document.

Spacy Stop Word Filter 

The node filters out words that are identified as stop words by the provided spaCy model.