

This category contains 12 nodes.

Conformal Calibration Loop End 

Aggregates the results of conformal prediction training for classification or regression: calibration tables and models.

Conformal Calibration Loop Start 

Splits the input table into two new tables: training and calibration.

Conformal Calibrator 

Creates a calibration table with ranking for further calibration of the test data sets.

Conformal Calibrator (Regression) 

Creates a calibration table with ranking for further calibration of the test data sets.

Conformal Classifier Streamable

Produces predictions based on the calibration table and the significance level provided by the user.

Conformal Prediction Loop End 

Aggregates the results of conformal prediction for conformal classification or conformal regression.

Conformal Prediction Loop Start 

Iterates over Model and Calibration table pairwise.

Conformal Predictor Streamable

Calculates the table with p-values for test data based on the provided calibration table.

Conformal Predictor and Classifier (Regression) Streamable

The node returns the prediction of conformal regression model based on the regression model and conformal regression calibration table.

Predictive Systems Calibrator (Regression) 

Creates a calibration table with ranking for further calibration of the test data sets.