


This category contains 8 nodes.

Gradient Boosted Trees Learner 

Learns a Gradient Boosted Trees model.

Gradient Boosted Trees Learner Deprecated

Learns a Gradient Boosted Trees model.

Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor Streamable

Classifies data using a Gradient Boosted Trees model.

Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor StreamableDeprecated

Classifies data using a Gradient Boosted Trees model.

Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor StreamableDeprecated

Classifies data using a Gradient Boosted Trees model.

PMML Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor Streamable

Applies classification from a Gradient Boosted Trees model that is provided in PMML format.

PMML Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor StreamableDeprecated

Applies classification from a Gradient Boosted Trees model that is provided in PMML format.

PMML Gradient Boosted Trees Predictor StreamableDeprecated

Applies classification from a Gradient Boosted Trees model that is provided in PMML format.