

This category contains 5320 nodes.

One to Many Deprecated

Transforms the values of one column into appended columns.

One to Many (PMML) Deprecated

Transforms the values of one column into appended columns.

Pace Regression Deprecated

Class for building pace regression linear models.

Parallel Coordinates (deprecated) Deprecated

This node is obsolete! Please use the new Parallel Coordinates located in the Data Views category.

Parameterized Database Query Deprecated

This node runs SQL queries in the connected database restricted by the possible values given by the input table.

PART Deprecated

Class for generating a PART decision list.

Pie Chart (deprecated) Deprecated

Node to display a PieChart with JFreeChart.

Pivoting (deprecated) Deprecated

Node computes an aggregation value between all co-occurrences of two column, pivot and group column. The aggregation can be based on a […]

Polynomial Regression Learner Deprecated

Learner that builds a polynomial regression model from the input data

Polynomial Regression Predictor Deprecated

Predictor that uses learned polynomial regression coefficients