

This category contains 5320 nodes.

Download / Upload from List Deprecated

Copy files contained in a list from one (remote) location to another.

Dummy Input (legacy) Deprecated

Placeholder quickform input node that allows the user to force a break in the wizard execution.

Empty Table Replacer Deprecated

Replaces an empty table with an inactive branch.

Enrichment Plotter Deprecated

Draws enrichment curves

Entropy Scorer (deprecated) Deprecated

Scorer for clustering results given a reference clustering.

File Download (legacy) Deprecated

Provides a KNIME quick form with a downloadable file.

File Meta Info Deprecated

Add meta information about a file to the table.

File Upload (legacy) Deprecated

Quick Form node that allows uploading a file and exposing that uploaded file using a flow variable.

Flow Variable CASE Switch Deprecated

Flow variable CASE Switch to alter active branch of flow variable ports

Flow Variable End CASE Deprecated

Flow Variable End CASE node to collect inactive and active branches and return an active port