Regex Extractor Deprecated

Extract fragments from text using regular expressions.

Regex Extractor Streamable

Extract fragments from text using regular expressions.

Content Extractor Deprecated

Extractor for content from (X)HTML documents.

Web Page Content Extractor Streamable

Extractor for content from (X)HTML documents.

Regex To List 

Returns all matches of a regex to a collection column

URL Extractor 

This node allows to extract URLs from arbitrary text.

Location Extractor Deprecated

Extract geographic locations from text.

Column Rename (Regex) Streamable

Renames all columns based on regular expression search & replace pattern.

Spark Column Rename (Regex) 

Renames all columns based on regular expression search & replace pattern.

DB Column Rename (Regex) 

Renames all columns based on regular expression search & replace a pattern.