IJ Image Reader (2D) - experimental 

Reads images using ImageJ (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/) and imports them to the KNIME-internal image format. Supported formats are tif, jpg, bmp, png, ... .

Structures Overview Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve a list of structure IDs from KLIFS of structures in complex with specific kinases (kinase IDs) or ligands (ligand IDs).

Rotation 2D Streamable

Rotates two dimensions of an image.

Auto Crop Streamable

Automatically crops an image.

Fill Holes Streamable

Fill black holes in binary images

Kinase Information Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve all generic kinase information from KLIFS optionally restricted to a user-supplied set of kinase IDs.

Average Filter Streamable

Applys average filtering to images in n-dimensions

Max Filter Streamable

Applys Max filtering to images in n-dimensions

Median Filter Streamable

Applys Median filtering to images in n-dimensions

Min Filter Streamable

Applys Min filtering to images in n-dimensions