Interactive Segmentation View 

Allows the interactive exploration of labelings using overlay renderes, filters and highlighting. Especially useful in combination with a Segment […]

Bilateral Filter Streamable

Filter the input image using a bilateral filter.

Interaction Fingerprint Decomposer 

KNIME node for decomposing an interaction fingerprint into a more human readable overview of interactions (including types) per structure.

Ultrametric Contour Map Streamable

Returns a UCM based on a given boundary labeling and an image containing boundary weights.

Ligands Overview Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve a list of all co-crystallized ligands (optionally for a given set of kinase IDs) from KLIFS.

Structures Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve (a part of) a kinase-ligand complex as a 3D structure in MOL2/PDB format from KLIFS.

Structures PDB Mapper 

KNIME node to map a set of 4-letter PDB-codes to structure IDs from KLIFS.

Kinase ID Mapper 

KNIME node to map a set of kinase names, HGNC gene symbols, or UniProt accession codes to the corresponding KLIFS kinase ID.