Geographic Feature 

The Geographic Feature node calculates the 'Lost Value' of each Product due to shipping cost and delay from the perspective of each Virtual Customer.

Network Feature Extractor 

Creates for each network a feature vector.

Acoustic Feature Extractor Streamable

Extracts Acoustic features from an audio cell.


Assigns protein/peptide identifications to features or consensus features.


Groups corresponding isotope-labeled features in a feature map.

Feature List Filter 

This filter either bypasses or filters the network elements (nodes/edges) which features match the values of the given data table.


Extracts or manipulates portions of data from peak, feature or consensus-feature files.

Information Gain Calculator 

Calculate the information gain value for feature selection and ranking.

Feature Value Filter 

This filter either bypasses or filters the network elements (nodes/edges) that match the given filter value.

Differentiation Horizontal 

The Differentiation Horizontal node mathematically describes the Horizontal Differentiation between Product Features as a Correlation Matrix.