
Description: You work for a Marketing agency that monitors the online presence of a few airline companies to understand how they are being reviewed. You […]


Just KNIME It! Season2 の第9回課題に回答しました。 https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it


You can find a related description of this workflow at https://wikidocs.net/edit/page/201341. However, they are all written in Korean.

IconN3_​01_​LDA_​AutoML Loop 

You can find a related description of this workflow at https://wikidocs.net/edit/page/202047. However, they are all written in Korean.


Description: In this challenge, your goal is to see which features are the most important in predicting the quality of wine. After doing this analysis, you […]


Just KNIME It! Season2 の第25回課題に回答しました。 https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it