Transfer Files Deprecated

Transfer files from a source (folder or file) to a specified destination folder.

MDS Projection (DistMatrix) 

Multi dimensional scaling node, mapping data of a high dimensional space onto a lower dimensional space by applying a modified Sammons mapping with […]

DB Insert Streamable

Inserts rows in the database based on the values of the selected columns from the KNIME input table.

Brat Document Writer 

Writes input documents to a Brat supported format to a local or remote file location.

Open in Python 

Opens a Python session and imports KNIME data


FastQC - A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.

DB Delete (Table) Streamable

Deletes rows in the database based on the values of the selected columns from the KNIME input table.

PDB Downloader (Source) Streamable

Node to allow download of multiple RCSB PDB filetypes from an RCSB Structure ID