Line Plot (legacy) 

Plots the numeric columns as lines.

URL Matches 

Expect the current URL to match a given pattern.

Java Snippet Row Splitter Streamable

Java Snippet based Row Splitter

Java Snippet Row Filter Streamable

Java Snippet based Row Filter

Table Validator (Reference) 

Validates the input data according to a reference data table specification give as a second input to the node.

Generic Web Service Client 

Accesses document-style web services

Variable Based File Reader Deprecated

ASCII file reader from variable locations

File Reader (Complex Format) Streamable

Flexible reader for ASCII files.

Java Snippet (simple) 

Calculates a new column based on java code snippets.

OPTICS Cluster Compute 

OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure) is a distance-based clustering algorithm. This node computes reachability distance table, […]