
Season 3

This directory contains 5 workflows.

IconChallenge 1 - JustKNIMEIt 

Author: Thor Landstrom URL: Dataset https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%203%20-%20Datasets/~5HAA3T665N_vR9Ga/

IconChallenge 2 - JustKNIMEIt 

URL: Link Download Dataset […]

IconChallenge 3 - JustKNIMEIt 

You are a real estate agent working in a new city, and to perform well your first task involves understanding the houses in the region better. A colleague […]

IconChallenge 4 - JustKNIMEIt 

You work for the United Nations and want to discuss how the causes of death vary across the European Union (EU). You know how to analyze data and generate […]

IconChallenge 6 - JustKNIMEIt 

As the 2024 European Football Championship (UEFA) unfolds, let's dive into football history with a data challenge. Today you are asked to create a data app […]