
Demo Workflows

This directory contains 60 workflows.

IconDemo - dynamic database table creation with column size specification 

Using DB Table Creator to dynamically create a db table from the input columns, with Knime-to-database type mapping manually overridden.

IconDemo Create Missing Period Rows 

Demo Create Missing Period Rows Demo workflow using Create Missing Period Rows component to include all year/month periods in a dataset where some are […]

IconDynamic SQL and Parameter Passing 

Dynamic SQL and parameter passing Demonstration of Parameterized DB Query Reader and DB Query Reader, dynamically passing parameters and also dynamically […]

IconExcel Format Template Components 

Excel Format Template Components Workflow showcasing and demonstrating some of my components (all available in my public/components area on the hub, as […]

IconFind Email Column 

Find a column containing possible email addresses and rename it as EmailAddress

IconGet Ascii and Unicode using String Manipulation 

Uses String Manipulation to retrieve ascii and unicode values for a character

IconJoining Dates between ... with python component 

Joining Dates between ... with python component Demomsration workflow of with a python component using pandas and pandasql to construct a SQL query […]

IconJournal Division into Balanced sub pages 

Journal Division into Balanced sub pages This workflow takes a spreadsheet containing journal numbers and amounts for a series of balancing journals […]

IconLoop processing time comparison 

Comparing the processing time of a 70,000 iteration loop to generate 2 rows per existing row, versus an empty loop and a non-loop that performs the same action