

This directory contains 193 workflows.

Cell Character Splitter 

Split an input column into individual characters with a new column being created for each character. 27 April 2021 @takbb Brian Bates

Cell Length Splitter 

Split an input column into substrings of a given maximum length with a new column being created for each substring. This component is based on my Cell […]

Change Windows Desktop Wallpaper 

Supply the image file location and this component will set the Windows desktop wallpaper using Java jna @takbb Brian Bates 04 November 2022

Character ASCII and Unicode 

Returns the ASCII and UNICODE for the first character in a chosen String column @takbb Brian Bates 24 Jan 2024

Clipboard Writer (forum table format) 

Copies a Community-Forum pastable copy of the table heading and data as a formatted table to the system clipboard. This allows the table to be pasted […]

Collect Named Java Bundles 

************************** !EXPERMINENTAL-BETA! ************************** This component attempts to derive the list of Java Bundles in the current KNIME […]

Column Headings as Array Variable 

Stores list of column headers as an array variable. This can then be used later in a column filter to ensure that only those columns that were originally in […]

Column Name at Position 

Returns the column name (as a flow variable) at the given index position in the current data table. Index starts at zero. @takbb Brian Bates 01 Aug 2023

IconColumn to Named Double Variable 

Creates a flow variable of the specified name for the selected column. The data type of both the Column and the new Variable will be Double