

This directory contains 4 workflows.

IconDeploy of Face Detection MTCNN and Google Cloud Vision API 

This workflow can be run by itself, but it is in truth complemetary to a main one, which needs to be executed at least once before this one, at least until […]

IconLexicon Text Mining on Titles with VAD 

This workflow can be run by itself, but it is in truth complemetary to a main one, which needs to be executed at least once before this one, at least until […]

IconTMDb API Poster and Data Retrieval 

This workflow can be run by itself with the dataset linked among the relevant materials (please remove the space in the name of the downloaded .csv file […]

IconWorkflow Final Challenge 

This workflow aims at performing inference on boxoffice revenues (adjusted for dollar inflation with CPI) by combining information from structured data […]