

This directory contains 5 workflows.

Icon01 Data Access 

Task 1: Read data from file. 1. Read the following files, available in the data folder, using the appropriate reader nodes: 2. Change the file paths to […]

Icon02 Data Cleaning 

Task 1: Filter rows. 1. Read the data by executing the provided reader nodes. 2. Filter the airport data to airports in China. 3. Filter the airport data to […]

Icon03 Aggregation and Data Blending 

Task 1: Aggregate data with the GroupBy node. 1. Read the life expectancy data by executing the provided Excel Reader node. 2. Calculate the number of […]

Icon04 Visualization 

Task 1: Explore the statistics of the data. 1. Read the JoinedCountryTable.table file by executing the Table Reader node. This table contains information […]

Icon05 Date and Time and Databases 

Task 1: Convert a string column to Date&Time. 1. Read the travel advisories data by executing the provided CSV Reader node. 2. Convert the Accessed column […]