

This directory contains 7 workflows.

Icon1. Manual IF Switch 

Manual IF Switch In this workflow through the IF Switch node you can manually disactivate one of the two branches (or none). The End IF node […]

Icon2. Automated IF Switch 

Automated IF Switch Same workflow as the one named "Manual IF Switch" but IF Switch is controlled through a global flow variable named […]

Icon3. Java IF & Tables 

JAVA IF Tables The goal of this workflow is to scale price differently for four-door cars (1/100) and two-door cars (1/50). The choice 4-door or 2-door […]

Icon4. CASE Switch 

CASE Switch The goal of this workflow is to classify the car makers based on the cars they produce. The target class is the "make" column. The […]

Icon5. Empty Table Replacer 

Empty Table Switch In this workflow we select one car maker and type of drive wheels. We then move to a CASE Switch to process differently the groups of […]