

This directory contains 13 workflows.

IconBaking an Approximate Pi 

Example of using a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate an approximation of the value of pi.

IconFarkle - Run Evolution 

A genetic algorithm that runs several generations of genetic evolution to evolve an effective Farkle player strategy.

IconITunes Library Cleanup 

Example workflow showing how to parse an ITunes XML library file and do string matching to clean up artist tags.

IconKoch Curve Snowflakes 

A fun workflow for generating fractal snowflakes using an inverted Koch curve.

IconMaking the Pass, Part 1 

Making the Pass, Part 1 Workflow that shows how the Parameter Optimization nodes may be used to complete a simiulated football pass to a wide […]

IconMaking the Pass, Part 2 - Data Generation 

Making the Pass, Part 2 - Data Generation Workflow to produce data of completed passes for use in training a machine learning model to throw a […]

IconMaking the Pass, Part 2 - Model Analysis 

Making the Pass, Part 2 - Model Analysis Analyzing the performance of neural network built via Keras. URL: Making the Pass, Part 2: Training a […]

IconMaking the Pass, Part 2 - Training 

Making the Pass, Part 2 - Training Training a neural network using Keras. Warning: execution may take several hours. URL: Making the […]

IconString Theory 

Dynamically visualization circuler finger weaver patterns.