
Node Bites

This directory contains 30 workflows.

IconExtract Table Spec 

The Extract Table Spec node lists each column from the connected table as a record in the output table. The output table includes the column name, column […]


The GroupBy node is unique. No other node has the ability to group, summarize, and aggregate a table like it. With the GroupBy node, you can perform dozens […]


Combining data sets is one of the most common and important operations during data processing. The Joiner node allows you to combine two tables according to […]

IconMath Formula 

The Math Formula node is used to create new or update existing numeric fields. It works on a row-by-row basis; this means that you can reference values in […]

IconNumeric Row Splitter 

The Numeric Row Splitter serves a single purpose: it splits a data table into two outputs, one of which the records from a specified numeric field comply […]


Splitting a table into two outputs with a set number or percentage of records is a common process, especially when preparing data for predictive modeling. A […]


Restructuring the shape of a data table is an important part of many KNIME workflows. The Pivoting node allows us to convert a "tall and skinny" table into […]

IconReference Column Filter 

The Reference Column Filter node allows users to filter the columns in one table according to the columns found in a second, reference table. This node is […]

IconRow Filter 

The Row Filter node is one of the fundamental nodes that every KNIME developer must be familiar with. It allows users to include or exclude records in a […]

IconRow Sampling 

Sampling a table is frequently done to create a subset of an original table. Sometimes this is done to improve workflow execution times during development, […]