This directory contains 400 workflows.
I built a workflow that does that also to play around with SQLite and to see what it could do. I have two databases that both have two tables named […]
DB SQLite - switch datase source based on a case when selection
Play around with SQLite and Date and Time functions
SQLite - Window function and Rank to detect duplicates - also using automatic ID and […]
demonstrates the use of DB Update and DB Merge
demonstrates the use of DB Update and DB Merge with MS Access DB alse: extract some mea information from information_schema
use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times Please note: If the time of day has passed when the workflow reaches the Wait node it will […]
A simple decision tree with all the possibilities to store the results (as PMML or Ruleset or SQL Code) and evaluation (ROC curve)
I set up a workflow to demonstrate how this could be done - use group by to calculate how many duplicates there are (note: KNIME should introduce a generic […]
Dealing with duplicates is a constant theme with data scientist. And a lot of things can go wrong. The easienst ways to deal with them is GROUP BY or […]
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Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.