This directory contains 400 workflows.
use R's openxlsx to remove an existing worksheet from an Excel file edit: warning! in this example from the first sheet "data1" some features get deleted […]
KNIME and R Graphics - Stacked Bars within Grouped Barplot in R
KNIME and R Graphics - Plotting means and error bars in R
It is possible to create heatmaps with dendrograms with the help to R. You would have to check the code if the distance and cluster settings fit your needs. […]
use R to convert hex to dec
use R to convert hex to strings use R to convert hex to strings URL: broman - convert2hex URL: […]
Force R’s readr to import all columns of a messy CSV file as strings - allow changing table structures ——— library(readr) file_location <- […]
import 'dirty' CSV files with the help of R's readr
Force R’s readr to import all columns as strings ——— library(readr) file_location <-[["File path"]] knime.out <- […]
Simple example to make a random forest (rpart) model with R in KNIME using the iris dataset. And saving an reusing the model with PMML
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Please note that this is only about NodePit. We do not provide general support for KNIME — please use the KNIME forums instead.