

This directory contains 48 workflows.

IconDB SQL - Postgres Date Variable as Primary Key 

URL: KNIME Forum (84737) https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-define-a-date-column-as-primary-key-in-a-time-series-data/84737/5?u=mlauber71 URL: PostgreSQL - […]

IconExcel - Import selected Columns and Cells - KNIME Forum (78689) 

URL: KNIME, Paths and Loops — Automate Everything https://medium.com/p/213455788685 URL: Import specific cells from a collection of Excel Files - KNIME […]

IconExcel - Loop over Sheets and turn into individual Files - KNIME Forum (78171) 

URL: Import EXCEL - a meta workflow trying to answer questions about importing data from Excel files […]

IconExcel - Python - Identify Pivot Tables - KNIME Forum (80353) 

URL: Get the Excel Pivot sample file here https://contextures.com/excelpivottableccomments.html URL: xlwings - Make Excel fly with Python! […]

IconExcel 97-2003 Import - KNIME Forum (77371) 

- import with the Excel Reader - import with Python, Pandas and xlrd - import with R and readxl You will need these Python packages conda install -n […]

IconFIFO stock calculation - KNIME Forum (82403) 

URL: An attempt at FIFO Stock Calculation - KNIME Forum (82403) https://forum.knime.com/t/fifo-stock-calculation/82403/3?u=mlauber71 URL: KNIME Expressions […]

IconFile Reading Try Catch - KNIME Forum (80431) 


IconGroupBy - Large Number of Groups with unique values - KNIME Forum (77722) 

URL: GroupBy - Large Number of Groups with unique values - KNIME Forum (77722) https://forum.knime.com/t/groupby-node-processing-slowly/77722/8?u=mlauber71

IconImport Large TXT File with Python - Fixed Widths - KNIME Forum (83305) 

URL: KNIME Forum (83305) https://forum.knime.com/t/excel-reader-with-zip-bomb-error/83305/2?u=mlauber71

IconJava Snippet - Convert Excel Formula - KNIME Forum (78011) 

https://forum.knime.com/t/formula-to-knime/78011/4?u=mlauber71 URL: Column Expression - Complex Syntax - KNIME Forum (77995) […]