
L2-DS Exercises

This directory contains 6 workflows.

Icon01 Date and Time and Databases 

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L2-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Advanced course

Icon02 Flow Variables and Components 

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L2-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Advanced course

Icon03 Workflow Control 

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L2-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Advanced course

Icon04 Advanced Machine Learning 

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L2-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Advanced course

IconGlobal Exercises 

Exercise one: Date&Time could not be completed as the data does not conform to any type of format that knime is able to work with. Exercise two: Flow […]

IconL2-DS Final Assessment Workflow 

This workflow contains the final assessment of the L2-DS self-paced course. Solve the workflow and complete the quiz at the end of the course!