

This directory contains 8 workflows.

Icon01. Importing Data - solution 

Solution to "Importing Data" exercise for basic Life Science User Training - Import data from three different file formats (table, csv, xls) URL: Data […]

Icon02. Data Manipulation - solution 

Solution to "Manipulation Data" exercise for basic Life Science User Training - Concatenate data from two different sources - Modify String values - Join […]

Icon05. Python - solution 

<h2>Let's get started with Python in KNIME</h2>

Icon06. Databases - solution 

<p>Databases<br>- Drag &amp; drop the malariahts_DB.sqlite file into your workspace<br>- Connect malariahts_DB.sqlite to the two DB Table Selector nodes to […]

Icon07. Hub Data App Deployment 

<p>This is the workflow we have worked on in our last session. Upload the workflow to the KNIME Business Hub, run it, deploy as Data App and share with the […]

Icon08. Hub Data App Deployment - Molecule Sketcher 

<p>Explore the two views locally first. Upload the workflow to the KNIME Business Hub, run it to test, deploy as Data App and share with the team.</p>