
Workflow Snippets

This directory contains 44 workflows.

IconCount an Element in Molecule 

This workflow counts the number of atoms in a molecule for an element of choice. This is done in three steps: 1. The molecular formula is created. 2. […]

IconCreate an Interactive View 

This workflow snippet shows an interactive view "Explore Data" generated from several JavaScript nodes (Parallel Coordinates Plot, Table Editor, Pie/Donut […]

IconCreate hyperlinks in Table View 

This short workflow shows how to create hyperlinks based on pubmed ID's that allow the user to open PubMed directly from the Table View.

IconCustom Visualization 

The following is an example of a widget node, which triggers the re-execution of a D3.js bar chart based on a selected value. The intention is to […]

IconDecoding Base64 to PNG 

This workflow snippet shows how a Java Snippet node can be used to in conjuction with a Binary Objects to PNGs node to convert a base64 string encoding an […]

IconDownload File in Component 

This workflow snippet shows how a component can be created that allows the user to download a previously created file. It is a snippet that becomes useful […]

IconEDA and Model Building using Python Nodes 

EDA and Model Building using Python Nodes This workflow snippet uses the Iris dataset and builds a pairplot visualization and Random Forest model using […]


Let’s imagine that you have a bundle of emails in .msg file format and you want to organise them, by the content of the emails and the attachments. This […]

IconExcel Formatting 

Excel Formatting If you would like to format your Excel File, you can use the Community Extension: Continental Nodes for KNIME With those nodes, you […]

IconExplore Molecular Properties 

This workflow snippet shows a possible way to prepare and visually explore a dataset with molecules. We configure the File Reader node to read the SMILES […]