
Educational Videos Demo Workflows

This directory contains 14 workflows.

IconCohens Kappa 

URL: Cohen's Kappa: Learn It, Use It, Judge It https://www.knime.com/blog/cohens-kappa-an-overview URL: Scoring Metrics eBook […]

IconConsume a login (secret) stored on KNIME Business Hub 

In the same way, you can access other types of logins from access token to file to specialized provider logins.

IconFrom Data to Predictions Linear Regression 

Auto-MPG data, aggregated by the origin (US, EU, & JP) and plotted over model years (1970-1982). Results are plotted in a line plot (mean MPG) and in a […]

IconLogistic Regression 

This workflow is an example of how to build a basic prediction / classification model using logistic regression. URL: Logistic Regression Node: Algorithm […]

IconNumeric Scorer Node 

URL: Scoring Metrics eBook https://www.knime.com/knimepress/scoring-metrics-evaluating-machine-learning-models

IconParameter Optimization Loop 

This workflow is an example of how to build a basic prediction / classification model using logistic regression. URL: Logistic Regression Node: Algorithm […]

IconRandom Forest Modeling and Prediction in KNIME 

Training a decision tree and training a random forest of decision trees. URL: Decision Tree Node: Algorithm Settings https://youtu.be/CSwM92yTrJw

IconRecommendation Engine 

Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms course - Session 3 Solution to exercise 2 - Find association rules for Market Basket Analysis using the […]