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This directory contains 50 workflows.

IconModify Database Tables from KNIME Analytics Platform 

Modify Database Tables from KNIME Analytics Platform This workflow demonstrates how to remove a database table, create a new database table, write data […]

IconModify Date and Time Zone 

This workflow shows examples of the following operations on Date&Time data type: - adding a date to time values with Modify Date node; - changing the time […]

IconModify Time and Filter Date&Time Data 

This workflow shows examples of the following operations on Date&Time data type: - removing the time from Date&Time values with Modify Time node; - […]

IconNumbers, Strings, and Rules 

This workflow shows three different data transformation operations, namely: - Create three categories of people based on their weekly work hours with the […]

IconPrediction Workflow Creation, Versioning, and Deployment Automation 

This workflow accesses the training data, splits and preprocesses it, and trains the model, uploads the automatically captured and created prediction […]

IconQuerying Databases 

This workflow demonstrates how to query a database to aggregate and filter data and join two database tables. In this example, the contracts data (~50K […]

IconRow Aggregator, GroupBy and Pivot 

This workflow demonstrates different methods to perform data aggregation. - Basic Data Aggregation with the Row Aggregator node - Advanced Data […]

IconSwitch Workflow Branch Execution Depending on the Input Data 

This workflow demonstrates switching between various workflow branches in KNIME which are activated depending on the input data table. In this example, […]

IconValue Lookup and Joiner 

This workflow demonstrates how to merge the content of two tables. - On the left, a simple merging is performed with the Value Lookup node. - On the […]

IconWhat is a Component 

What is a Component? This workflow demonstrates what a component is.