
Part 3 - Workflow Invocation

This directory contains 9 workflows.

Icon01.Capturing Segments - Sentiment Predictor - Lexicon Based - Exercise 

<p>This workflow preprocesses a batch of airline reviews and tags their words as positive, negative, or neutral. Next, it calculates a sentiment score based […]

Icon01.Capturing Segments - Sentiment Predictor - Lexicon Based - Solution 

<p>This workflow preprocesses a batch of airline reviews and tags their words as positive, negative, or neutral. Next, it calculates a sentiment score based […]

Icon02.Workflow Services - Sentiment Predictor - Lexicon Based - Exercise 

<p>This workflow calls workflow segments that preprocess and tag airline reviews, uses shared components that help come up with sentiment scores, and then […]

Icon02.Workflow Services - Sentiment Predictor - Lexicon Based - Solution 

<p>This workflow calls workflow segments that preprocess and tag airline reviews, uses shared components that help come up with sentiment scores, and then […]