

This directory contains 28 workflows.

IconInternal Audit of purchases and suppliers 

On the one hand we have the Purchasing data and the Suppliers data. On the other side we have the limits for Purchasing and Suppliers (these data may vary […]

IconKNIME Hub - Local - Different Behaviour 

This workflow basically behaves differently if you run it locally and on the KNIME Hub. The Extract Context Properties Node will extract different […]

KNIME Hub File Download Creator 

To use this Component you need to have a KNIME Business Hub Instance running. You need to be logged into the browser By double clicking you can configure […]


Each time you run the workflow it will only collect the new_data, and after processing it, copy it to the old_data folder and then delete it from the […]

IconMultiple Reports with a first page Header 

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

IconPrice Forecasting and Reporting Data App 

There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

IconRemoving Folders and Subfolders with 0 Users 

This workflow will allow you to provide a list of folders and subfolders with a number of users and delete only the folders and subfolders that contain 0 […]

IconRule Engine (Multi Column) 

The purpose of this workflow is to cover the "Multi-Column Rule Engine" use cases. Thanks Alex Fillbrunn for help with the solution

IconSend PDF Report via Email 

<h1>Send PDF Report via Email</h1><h3><strong>Important: get the correct information from the SMTP Service</strong></h3><p style="text-align: start">For […]