

This directory contains 4 workflows.

IconWorkflow 1 - The basic 

<p>RANDOM FOREST</p><hr><ol><li><p>Random Forest Learners learns to classify our pN based on 80% of the data.</p></li><li><p>Random Forest Predictor […]

IconWorkflow 2 - Sampling 

<p>RANDOM FOREST</p><hr><ol><li><p>Random Forest Learners learns to classify our pN based on 80% of the data.</p></li><li><p>Random Forest Predictor […]

IconWorkflow 3 - Cross Validation 

<p>PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION</p><hr><p>With this loop, the overall accuracy is maximized.</p>

IconWorkflow 4 - Feature Selection 

<p>PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION</p><hr><p>With this loop, the overall accuracy is maximized.</p>