

This directory contains 22 workflows.


This workflow allows you to connect to Azure via an app that you have registered there. KNIME Azure Authenticator component authenticates you and gets an […]


You will need: 1. Chrome Driver (download here: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/). 2. Python (preferably Anaconda). 3. KNIME Python nodes. 4. Selenium […]

IconLine Plot 

Compare regional sales data. West: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ASPW. Average Sales Price of Houses Sold for the West Census Region (ASPW). Midwest: […]


This component generates random RGBA colors based on user input and outputs all of them as flow variables to be used throughout the workflow. They are in […]

IconSunburst and Parallel Coords 

This is the companion workflow to a KNIME Low Code journal article about the Sunburst Chart and the Parallel Coordinates Plot.


This is the companion/follow-along workflow for the KNIME Tutorials video How To Use KNIME's Table Column To Variable Node.


This is the companion workflow to the article Tour The World … Factbook, published on KNIME's Low Code Journal.