

This directory contains 16 workflows.

Icon11 Classification V - solution 

- LLMs (open source): Consume model via API to predict sentiment. - LLMs (closed source): Consume model via API to predict sentiment. URL: Slides KNIME […]

Icon12 Visualization - solution 

Text Mining Course: Visualization, Clustering, and Topic Modeling (solution) - Inspect the Decision Tree via its view. - Compute absolute term frequency […]

Icon13 Visualization II - solution 

Text Mining Course: Visualization, Clustering, and Topic Modeling (solution) - View document content. - View document content and highlight tagged terms. - […]

Icon14 Clustering - solution 

- Compute pairwise cosine distances. - Apply hierarchical clustering. - View dendrogram to find out the number of clusters (k). - Assign k clusters. - Apply […]

Icon15. Fraud_​Detection-Embeddings 

Outlier Detection: Embedding Based. Outlier detection as a proxy for potential fraud detection. We try to detect numerical outliers in the high-dimensional […]