

This directory contains 16 workflows.

Icon01 Importing Text - solution 

- Import data from: TripadvisorReviews-SanFranciscoRestaurants-ItalianChineseFood.table - Filter rows with missing titles - Convert strings to documents - […]

Icon02 Enrichment - solution 

- Assign POS tags - View tagged documents URL: Slides KNIME Analytics Platform Text Mining Course https://www.knime.com/form/material-download-registration

Icon03 Enrichment II - solution 

- Read files that contain positive and negative words: MPQA-OpinionCorpus-PositiveList.csv MPQA-OpinionCorpus-NegativeList.csv - Assign positive and […]

Icon04 Preprocessing - solution 

- Filter numbers, punctuation marks, stop words. - Convert texts to lower case. - Perform stemming. - Keep only tokens tagged as nouns, verbs, and […]

Icon05 Preprocessing II - solution 

- Create Bag of Words. - Filter terms that occur in less than 5 documents. URL: Slides KNIME Analytics Platform Text Mining Course […]

Icon06 Transformation - solution 

- Compute relative term frequency. - Create document vectors (bitvectors or numerical with TF values). - Extract class label / category. URL: Slides KNIME […]

Icon07 Classification - solution 

- Append color information based on class labels. - Split data into training and test set. - Train Decision Tree classifier on training set. - Apply trained […]

Icon08 Classification II - solution 

-Create document vectors for the second set of documents. The feature space of the second set of documents has to be identical to the feature set of the […]

Icon09 Classification III - solution 

- Supervised learning: Build a sentiment predictor from scratch. - Supervised learning: Build a sentiment predictor with transfer learning. URL: Slides […]

Icon10 Classification IV - solution 

Unsupervised learning with a lexicon-driven sentiment predictor: - Create document cells. - Tag terms based on sentiment dictionaries. - Extract and count […]