

This directory contains 6 workflows.


Prerequisites to run the workflow with other data than in the example: 1. Generate a suitable query on PubMed webpage (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) […]

IconCaminos 3D Mapbox 

Using info from CNIG (National Center of Geographic Information of Spain), process and display all GPX files of Camino de Santiago

GPT-3 Info Completion 

This component uses OpenAI's GPT-3 engine. You will need an authorized API key to use it. You can get $18 credit for use the API directly from OpenAI here: […]

IconMEDIUM - GPT3 Component 

Using the Semantic Scholar API to retrieve some articles and after performing clustering tasks, the GPT3 component for Information Completion is developed.

IconMEDIUM - GPT3 Component - example 

Example workflow to test the GPT-3 component for Information Completion. If you need an API Key, signup here: https://beta.openai.com/signup and get $18 […]

IconPhoto History 

Use iOS Shortcuts to extract LAT/LONG info from photo library Connect with Google Sheets to update info to Google Data Studio Connect with NOMINATIM API to […]