

This directory contains 4 workflows.

Icon01 Practicing with Traditional Databases - Solution 

Solution to an L4-BD SELF-PACED COURSE exercise: - Remove, structure, create, and manipulate database tables

Icon02 Getting Started with Big Data - Solution 

Solution to an L4-BD SELF-PACED COURSE exercise: - Create a local big data environment - Create and load data into a Hive table

Icon03 Manipulating Big Data - Solution 

Solution to an L4-BD SELF-PACED COURSE exercise: - Manipulate data on Hive with the DB nodes - Perform ETL operations in Spark with the Spark […]

Icon04 Model Building on Big Data - Solution 

Solution to an L4-BD SELF-PACED COURSE exercise: - Train a ML model in Spark - Read the prediction results into KNIME