
discover relationships & structure

This directory contains 17 workflows.

Multiple conditional violin plots 

Discover relationships between numeric variables and categorical target variable Draw conditional violinplots. Select one to eight numeric columns at a […]

Multiple side-by-side conditional boxplots of one numeric target 

You have many categorical variables and one continuous target. And you are interested in finding out any relationship between each categorical variable with […]

IconPercentage stacked bar chart example 

Percentage Stacked bar chart workflow This simple workflow uses Percentage stacked barcharts component to create stacked-bar chart. TAGS: stacked bar […]

Percentage stacked barcharts 

Given a categorical column and multiple numeric columns, this component creates a percentage stacked bar chart. Data frame is grouped on categorical column […]

RadViz plot 

RadViz plot enables the visualization of multidimensional data while maintaining the relation to the original dimensions. It is a useful visualization to […]

RadViz plot (with R) 

RadViz plot enables the visualization of multidimensional data while maintaining the relation to the original dimensions. It is a useful visualization to […]