

This directory contains 11 workflows.

IconActivity 1 Preprocessing 

- Compute relative term frequency. - Create document vectors (bitvectors or numerical with TF values). - Extract class label / category. URL: Slides KNIME […]

IconActivity 2 Topic Modeling 

Extracts 2 topics from the input documents and 10 words to represent each topic. Each document is assigned to the topics together with a score of […]

IconActivity 2.1 Topic Modeling 

Extracts 2 topics from the input documents and 10 words to represent each topic. Each document is assigned to the topics together with a score of […]

IconActivity 3 Topic Modeling 

<p>IS Literature Mining with Topic Detection (LDA)<br><br>This workflow shows how to extract topics from the input data presented as an Excel file. It uses […]

IconActivity 4 - Text Classification 

- Append color information based on class labels. - Split data into training and test set. - Train Decision Tree classifier on training set. - Apply trained […]