

This directory contains 5 workflows.

IconTugas Latihan - Materi 31 - Knime 3 - Data Export exersice 

Solution to exercise 7 for the KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers course - Calculate multiple aggregation using the Pivoting and GroupBy node - […]

IconTugas Latihan - Materi 29 - Knime 1 - Data Access Exercise 

<ol><li><p>Access the data on online orders and product prizes stored on a database</p></li></ol>

IconTugas Latihan - Materi 29 - Knime 1 - Data Cleaning Exercise 

Solution to exercise 3 for the KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers course - Explore the properties of the data with the Data Explorer node - Manage […]

IconTugas Latihan - Materi 30 - Knime 2 - Data Aggregation Exercise 

Solution to exercise 7 for the KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers course - Calculate multiple aggregation using the Pivoting and GroupBy node - […]

IconTugas Latihan - Materi 30 - Knime 2 - Visualization Exercises 

<p>Do: </p><ol><li><p>Make a Bar Chart: You are going to compare how many stores already exist in the countries, so you will know which countries have more […]