

This directory contains 50 workflows.

Multi-Selection Dropdown v2 

Shows a dropdown where each item is a checkbox that can be checked and unchecked by the user. The output is a string flow variable with the selected values […]

Node Execution Time 

This node accesses the KNIME log to get the execution time of any executed node.

Open-Meteo Temperature Forecast 

Queries Open-Meteo for a temperature forecast.

PMML DataDictionary Column Filter 

Filters a table’s columns based on a PMML document’s DataDictionary. All columns present in the PMML input are kept, others are removed.

Query Prometheus Exporter 

Queries a Prometheus endpoint and returns all metrics, labels, and values.

Rhythm Wheel 

This component renders a Rhythm Wheel by drawing a donut chart with stand out segments. Segments are colored either by column or, if the column contains […]

Server Log Reader 

This component reads server logs from a folder and provides them in a parsed and enriched format.

Shell Command (Linux) 

Executes a command in the system's shell. Only works on Linux.