
DB components

This directory contains 10 workflows.

DB Create Table As 

Performs "CREATE TABLE AS" using input query. Any existing table will be droped (CASCADE) Tested on H2 and Amazon Redshift Database

DB Empty String to Null 

Makes empty strings to null using the below transfromation: NULLIF(TRIM("column"),'')

DB expand rows between date range (redshift) 

creates 1 row per day between a date range

DB Full Outer Join and Merge Columns 

This node joins two DB Data tables (using a FULL OUTER JOIN) and merges columns (using a COALSCE statement) with indentical names. Input columns with […]

DB get Australian accounting period 

Get Australia account period information from date. accouting_year: 2021-07-01 = 2022 accouting_month: 2021-07-01 = 1 accounting_period: 2021-07-01 = 2022/001

DB Hash Column (redshift - fnv_​hash) 

DB hash Column (fnv_hash) Creates hash column using redshift function fnv_hash https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_FNV_HASH.html

DB Table Creator 

Creates an empty DB Table using custom knime column mappings and smart string sizes tested on redshift

DB Union (strict) 

This nodes performs a SQL UNION. Inputs need to contain the same columns Tested on H2 and Amazon Redshift Database

DB Union ALL 

This nodes performs a UNION ALL but allows for different columns to be inputed. Input columns with the same name should be of the same column types, […]

DB Value to Null 

Makes empty strings to null using the below transfromation: NULLIF(TRIM("column"),'')