This directory contains 79 workflows.
fastpath function to calculate minimum number of components for applying RandomProjection algorithm.
fastpath function for transforming the data from high dimensional space to low dimensional space using RandomProjection algorithm.
fastpath function to compute metrics for the purpose of evaluation of regression models and cross-model comparison. Supports 14 metrics […]
Fast path function to Compute AUC, Gini and ROCValues(thresholds, false positive rates, and true positive rates) for binary classifiers.
fastpath function to round all the TargetColumns upto N decimal places as specified in the argument PrecisionDigit.
fastpath function to return parameters and target columns to be used by TD_RowNormalizeTransform for normalizing the input data.
fastpath function to return row-wise scaled (normalized) data.
fastpath function to generate required statistics and scaling parameters to be used by TD_ScaleTransform for scaling the input data.
fastpath function to scale/standardize numeric columns.
fastpath function to extracts the sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) of each input document or sentence, using a dictionary model.
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