Node Connectivity

There are 33 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.uni_leipzig.biggr.ports.FlinkPortObject.

LogicalGraph UDF 

User defined flink/gradoop source code to transform a logical graph.


Evaluates the given query using the Cypher query engine.


Computation of the PageRank scores for the connected vertices in a logical graph.

Reduce On Edges 

Create a reduce on edges neighborhood function on a logical graph.

Reduce On Neighbor 

Creates a reduce on neighbor neighborhood function on a logical graph.

Single Source Shortest Paths 

Single-Source Shortest-Path computes the shortest path from a source vertex to all other vertices of a logical graph.


Splits a logical graph into a graph collection based on user-defined property values.

Weakly Connected Components 

Computes the weakly connected components of a logical graph and returns them as graphs in a graph collection.

Graph Heads Output 

Shows id, label and properties for each graph head in a table view.

Graph Statistics Output 

Computes vertex and edge statistics for a logical graph and shows them in a table view. Writes the statistics to files, if selected.