Node Connectivity

There are 28 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Python Binary Port Object.

SARIMA Learner 

Trains and generates a forecast with a (S)ARIMA Model

SARIMAX Learner 

Trains and generates a forecast with a (S)ARIMAX Model.

Gaussian Process Classification Learner (sklearn) 

Gaussian Process Classification Learner

Gaussian Process Regression Learner (sklearn) 

Gaussian Process Regression Learner

Partial Least Squares Regression Learner (sklearn) 

Partial least squares regression learner

GWR Model 

Geographically Weighted Regression node.

OpenAI Functions Agent Creator 

Creates an agent that utilizes the function calling feature of (Azure) OpenAI chat models.

Azure OpenAI Embeddings Connector 

Connects to an Azure OpenAI Embeddings Model.

Azure OpenAI Authenticator 

Authenticates the Azure OpenAI API key against the the Cognitive Services account.