Node Connectivity

There are 86 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Python-compatible Deep Learning Network.

Keras ELU Layer 

An exponential linear unit layer.

Keras Leaky ReLU Layer 

A leaky rectified linear unit layer.

Keras PReLU Layer 

A parametric rectified linear unit layer.

Keras PReLU Layer Deprecated

A parametric rectified linear unit layer.

Keras Softmax Layer 

A softmax layer.

Keras Thresholded ReLU Layer 

A thresholded rectified linear unit layer.

Keras Convolution 1D Layer 

A convolution 1D layer.

Keras Convolution 1D Layer Deprecated

A convolution 1D layer.

Keras Convolution 2D Layer 

A convolution 2D layer.

Keras Convolution 2D Layer Deprecated

A convolution 2D layer.